Countdown to Opening Day, Saturday 4 November 2023!


Sunday 16 March 2025 - Due to the Raging Waters Sydney Running Festival, Raging Waters Sydney will open at 10.30am to 5:30pm. Carpark gates will open from 10am. Reservoir Road will be closed from Prospect Highway /Reservoir Road intersection to the Raging Waters Sydney Public Gate on Reservoir Road to ALL TRAFFIC from 6.45am – 9.45am for the duration of the Running Event. There is no public access to Raging Waters Sydney during this time.

Park Rules & Policies

Conditions of Entry & Responsibilities of Patrons

The Conditions of Entry apply to all patrons of Raging Waters Sydney

  • Conditions of Entry

    • By your participation, you accept the inherent risks of possible injury or harm associated with the amusement rides, attractions and waterslides at our water park and the inherent risks associated with any activity in or near water. You should consider this participation in a responsible manner and with good judgment, particularly if you have a health or medical condition, are pregnant or other physical limitations. We will not be liable for any personal injury or loss where negligence cannot be attributed to the owners and operators of Raging Waters Sydney.
    • Commercially prepared food, large quantities of food or catering and alcohol are NOT permitted to be brought into the Park.
    • Vehicles are parked in the car park at your own risk. We will not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any vehicle, accessory or contents in or on any vehicle. View full Car Park Terms & Conditions below.
    • Raging Waters Sydney has a no smoking policy. No smoking is permitted inside the grounds.
    • Raging Waters Sydney reserve the right to inspect bags and other items in your possession or your locker upon request. Personal checks such as wanding may also take place. We may refuse entry to any person who refuses to undergo a security check.
    • The following Items are not permitted into park: balls, frisbees, flotation devices (pool noodles, beach/pool inflatables, etc.), surf boards, boogie boards, water guns, balloons, confetti, beach umbrellas, Eskies longer than 90cm (approx.), fast food (commercially prepared food), Glassware (like glass containers jars, bottles, perfume bottles, etc.), any tables including folding tables, marquees or gazebo’s that require pegs and/or rope, pop up tents larger than 3m x 3m that require pegs and/or rope, animals, metal knives (not including plastic butter knives) illicit drugs, alcohol, tools, and/or weapons of any sort. Please not that we do not hold any items for guests.
    • Photographs or videos taken by you must be for your own personal use and enjoyment and not for any commercial purpose. Photography and filming is prohibited on all our slides and attractions. We may use any photographs or video that we take of you for our commercial purposes without payment to you.
    • Due to safety or operational requirements, physical restrictions and/or clothing or accessory restrictions may apply on some rides, attractions and waterslides.
    • Restrictions or limitations on access to the water park, rides, waterslides and attractions may be imposed at any time.
    • You may be evicted from Raging Waters Sydney for inappropriate behaviour. You may be refused entry or evicted if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    • We may close rides, attractions, waterslides, in park services and/or the water park on a permanent or temporary basis due to inclement weather, safety, refurbishment, maintenance, acts of nature, or other reasons. Extensions to the validity of any pass you have purchased from us or refunds as a result of limited visitation, suspension, premises or ride closure are not granted (subject to any requirements at law to the contrary).
    • The Keep Watch guidelines published by Royal Life Saving Australia recommend adults actively supervise children under the age of 10 at all times. For children aged 11-14, Keep Watch encourages adults to check in on their whereabouts on a regular basis. Although children aged 0 to 4 years are at most risk, Royal Life Saving recommends some level of supervision for all children under 15. Keep Watch guidelines can be found on the Royal Life Saving Australia site, or by contacting Guest Services.
    • We reserve the right to deny entry to persons 14 years and under unless accompanied by a guardian over the age of 18.
    • Season Passes, Day Tickets, Lockers, Parking, Cabanas and pay-per-ride attractions are non-refundable.
    • Day tickets are valid for single day entry during the season and may not be transferred to following seasons.
    • Complimentary or Raincheck Tickets (FOC) are non transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash. 
    • Rainchecks cannot be reissued if lost, stolen or misplaced. 
    • You agree to comply with the MyBand Terms & Conditions found below .
    • We reserve the right to modify the conditions of entry at any time.
  • Responsibilities of Patrons

    All guests must behave in a family-friendly, respectful, and courteous manner, and in a manner which is safe for themselves and for others. Violations of Park rules and policies may result in ejection from certain rides, attractions, areas of the Park, or from the Park itself, without refund or other compensation. They may also result in the Park contacting appropriate law enforcement authorities. The following is strictly prohibited, subjecting the violator to ejection without refund:

    • Fighting. The Park does not tolerate aggressive or threatening behaviour. This includes fights (physical or verbal), challenges to fight or any threat thereof (whether to an intended victim or comments in general expressing a desire or intent to hurt another person), or any form of physical assault upon or intimidation of another person. You may also be ejected for any pushing, roughness, “chest bumping,” aggressive moves (e.g., clenching fists, getting face-to-face with another, getting into a fighting stance, etc.), or other physically aggressive conduct.
    • Offensive Conduct. We run a family-friendly Park, where people should be civil courteous of one another. Prohibited conduct includes profanity, cursing, making offensive comments or gestures, pushing, spitting, flashing of body parts, and other offensive conduct.
    • Sexual Activity or Misconduct. Sexual activity, and displays of sexuality, are inappropriate for a family-friendly amusement Park. Guests may be asked to cease such activity and warned about the possibility of ejection, or they may be ejected without refund (in the Park’s discretion, depending on all factors). In the more offensive and graphic instances, the offending persons may be held for law enforcement. In any event of reported sexual misconduct, the Park may eject offending persons or hold them for law enforcement depending on all of the facts and circumstances of the alleged misconduct. In such instances, the alleged victims (or their parent/guardian, if they are minors) will be consulted on whether or not they want law enforcement involved. However, regardless of a parent/guardian’s wishes, the Park may nonetheless contact appropriate law enforcement authorities if the Park deems it advisable or is required to do so by law. If minors claim to have been victims of sexual misconduct, and appear to be without a parent/guardian at the Park, then the Park will seek to contact the parents by phone, but will likely contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities and will also adhere to any mandatory-reporting laws, if any apply.
    • Unruly Behaviour. “Horseplay” in any amusement or water Park setting can be dangerous to you and to those around you. Accordingly, all manner of “horseplay” is prohibited, including without limitation, attraction rule breakage, jumping over any objects (benches, fences), diving or jumping into water structures, climbing on trees or structures (buildings, lamp posts, etc.), standing on tables or chairs, climbing up or jumping over barricades and fences, wrestling, playing tag or chasing each other, throwing items (shoes, food, rocks, sticks, rafts or inner tubes, etc.), jumping down stairs, twirling around banisters, gymnastics-like activities (kart wheels, flips, splits, handstands, etc.), or any sports-like activity (throwing a football or Frisbee across crowds, kicking a soccer ball around the Park, etc.). Please walk through the Park (no running), stay on the walkways, and always watch where you are going. Refrain from entering any landscaped areas—landscaped and planted areas such as flower beds are not meant for guests to tread upon! Exercise caution when going up or down stairs, or when traversing any areas with tree roots.
    • Courtesy for the Disabled. Please respect people with disabilities, the elderly and the infirm, and any areas (seating, parking spaces, etc.) which may be reserved for them. Please be patient if you are waiting on line, while we seek to accommodate a guest with special needs. Courtesy and kindness are appreciated and make life nicer for everyone!
    • Line-Cutting/Line-Saving. Guests may not save places in line for themselves or others; let friends, family, or others later join them in line or take their place in line; push past or bypass others; or leave and return to “their space”. If you or anyone in your group leaves a line--for whatever reason (including the need to use a restroom), then upon that person’s return, that person must go to the back of the line. No exceptions. Please understand that in order to prevent chaos, confrontations and unhappy guests, we must enforce these strict rules.
    • Smoking. Smoking of any substance, through any means, is not permitted, including without limitation, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, hookahs, marijuana, bongs or electronic cigarettes.
      • Medical Marijuana? Marijuana is strictly prohibited on premises, whether in the Park or in the parking lots, or anywhere else on, in, or around, Park grounds. If you have a medical marijuana card, this does NOT entitle you to have marijuana on Park grounds. Anyone in possession of marijuana, or using marijuana, will be ejected from the Park.
      • Electronic Cigarettes? No electronic cigarettes are allow in the Park, period. There is no way for the Park to determine what is in such devices, nor whether such a device is actually for “smoking” and not a weapon or some other sort of device. Minimally, electronic cigarettes are annoying and/or a concern to the majority of our customers who do not wish to be subjected to whatever substance people may be “smoking.”
    • Drugs. Illicit drugs are strictly prohibited. Authorities may be called for anyone in possession of, using, selling, or distributing, any illicit substances.
    • Property Damage and Theft. Any damage to or destruction of Park property (or the property of another), or theft of any property, will not be tolerated. Offenders will be may be held for appropriate law enforcement authorities and will be ejected from the Park
    • Diving or Entry into any Decorative Water Feature. Decorative water features may include ponds, streams and fountains, which may be natural or man-made. Entry of any kind into such a decorative water feature is prohibited. Diving, “flops,” flips, or “cannon balls” are prohibited at all times.
    • Photographs or videos taken by you must be for your own personal use and enjoyment and not for any commercial purpose. Photography and filming is prohibited on all our slides and attractions. We may use any photographs or video that we take of you for our commercial purposes without payment to you.
    • Entry into Employee-Only and other Non-Guest Areas. Many non-guest areas can pose deadly hazards—do NOT enter these areas! Guests are strictly prohibited from entering any area with obvious signage such as, “EMPLOYEE ONLY,” “NO ACCESS,” “KEEP OUT,” or “DO NOT ENTER.” However, it is also common sense that guests should refrain from entering any maintenance areas, work shops, offices, tool sheds, electrical rooms, ride motor rooms, etc., whether or not such areas are marked with signage. Offenders are subject to immediate ejection from the Park, and where appropriate, such persons may be held for appropriate law enforcement authorities. Parents who allow their minors to engage in such activity will be ejected.
    • Violations of the foregoing may (in park’s discretion) subject guests to ejection without refund, or (in the case of criminal acts), being held by Park staff or security until law enforcement arrives and assumes control of a matter.
    • Patrons with medical conditions are responsible for assessing whether they can participate. You must seek medical advice if uncertain.
    • Patrons with casts, footwear, eyewear or any hard or sharp objects are not permitted on any water slides and may be restricted on certain rides. If uncertain of the restrictions for each ride, please ask staff at Guest Services or check signs prior to participating.
    • You must act with consideration for both yourself and others and refrain from behaviour which could affect your safety and the safety of others.
    • You must obey all reasonable written and verbal instructions and warnings given by staff.
    • You must use safety equipment where directed.
    • We will not be responsible for any loss of property. You are responsible for your own personal property. There are a limited number of lockers available for hire.
    • Adults and careers are responsible for persons under their supervision. Lifeguards and staff cannot supervise children at all times.
    • The Keep Watch guidelines published by Royal Life Saving Australia recommend adults actively supervise children under the age of 10 at all times. For children aged 11-14, Keep Watch encourages adults to check in on their whereabouts on a regular basis. Although children aged 0 to 4 years are at most risk, Royal Life Saving recommends some level of supervision for all children under 15. Keep Watch guidelines can be found on the Royal Life Saving Australia site, or by contacting Guest Services.
    • We reserve the right to deny entry to persons 14 years and under unless accompanied by a guardian over the age of 18.
    • In keeping with a family-friendly environment, Raging Waters Sydney prohibits clothing and swimwear that would tend to be offensive and/or too revealing of one’s body.
    • Water guns are not permitted in the park.
  • Full Locker Hire Terms & Conditions

    Locker Hire

    • Locker hire is not included in the price of admission.
    • Lockers are available for hire for the storing of personal belongings.
    • It is your responsibility ensure your locker is secured properly at all times during the period of hire. We take no responsibility for items lost, stolen, misplaced and or damaged from your locker due to your incorrect use.
    • Your locker hire expires at midnight on the day of hire. At this time all lockers will be opened and cleared of any remaining items which may be claimed from Raging Waters Sydney’s Lost & Found located at Guest Services.
    • We reserve the right to open/search/empty any locker if any illegal activity is suspected. At no time shall any dangerous, flammable or illegal substances or equipment be stored in a locker.
  • Car Park Terms & Conditions

    Two car parks are located at Raging Waters Sydney, Car Park 1 and Car Park 2. The following terms and conditions apply to both car parks. Payment for parking is required from all individuals with the exception of Platinum and Platinum Plus Season Passholders.

    • Vehicles are accepted for the purpose of parking only and persons may only enter the car park if these terms and conditions are agreed to. If you do not agree to these terms please do not enter the car park.
    • Entry is granted and your acceptance of these terms assumed when you enter the car park premises or purchase your parking ticket.
    • We are not liable to you for, and you release us from all claims in respect of, personal injury or death occurring in the car park, theft or loss of or damage to your vehicle howsoever caused except to the extent that it was caused by our negligence or wrongful act or omission.
    • Your vehicle is parked at your own risk and you are solely responsible for the security of your vehicle in the car park.
    • You must park within the marked boundaries of a parking space and not obstruct the entry or exit of any other vehicle.
    • You must not use those bays that are reserved for disabled guests unless you display a valid permit which has not expired.
    • You can only gain access to or remove a vehicle during the hours of operation of the Park.
    • You must follow signs and instructions by us and any person appointed by us to control the car park and adhere to and follow any directions and regulations displayed in the car park or otherwise communicated to you from time to time.
    • We have the right to enter, move (including to an outside area), prevent the exit or movement of, or have towed away, any vehicle. We are not liable for any damage caused to your vehicle if we move it.
    • We may permit the exit of a vehicle whether a ticket is produced or not and we are not liable for the theft, loss of or damage to a vehicle removed from the car park.
  • Season Pass Band Terms & Conditions

    These terms and conditions form part of the Terms & Conditions of Purchase and use of Season Passes for Raging Waters Sydney. You will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions when purchasing a Season Pass.

    You must scan your Season Pass band at the pods when entering the Park and wear your Season Pass Band at all times when in the Park.

    Upon issue of your Season Pass Band a photograph of the registered user)will be taken by us at the Season Pass Centre or Ticketing Office and uploaded onto your Season Pass Band for the purpose of allowing you entry to the Park and verifying use of your Season Pass Band in-Park.

    When your Season Pass Band is used in-Park a photograph of the registered user of the MyBand is displayed at the register for verification purposes. If the photograph of the registered user does not match the wearer of the MyBand then the band may be confiscated and:

    • the wearer will be required to purchase a single day entry ticket or leave the Park immediately.
    • we may (depending upon the circumstances of mis-use and at our sole discretion) notify the registered user of the band that their Season Pass Band is cancelled preventing any further entry into the Park.

    Your Season Pass Band may also be cancelled in accordance with the terms and conditions of purchase and use of season passes to the Park.

    You are responsible for the security of your Season Pass Band and preventing it from theft or misuse as you remain liable for any purchases made by a third party using your Season Pass Band.

    You must advise us without delay if your Season Pass Band is lost or stolen to ensure the band is deactivated.

    If your Season Pass Band is damaged or does not work properly or is lost or stolen then a new Season Pass Band will be issued to you (a replacement fee of $15 is payable unless it does not work properly) and any balance of funds shall be transferred to your new Season Pass Band.

    Damaged or loose bands will not be replaced. 

    You can load funds onto your Season Pass Band at any time during Park operating hours as many times as you like by either using a credit card or a debit card.

    Your Season Pass Band can be used for retail and food & beverage items.

    If you wish to use your Season Pass Band to make a purchase advise our team member and then tap it against the RFID scanners. Our team member will then confirm payment once your Season Pass Band is properly scanned at the point of sale.

    Any purchase that you wish to make that exceeds the available balance of your Season Pass Band shall require you to pay the difference by another payment method e.g. eftpos or credit card.

    If you want us to provide details of what purchases have been made using your Season Pass Band please see our team members at Guest Services or Ticketing Office where (subject to verification of your identification) the information will be provided to you.

    If there is any unused balance on your MyBand at the end of the operating season you can contact our Guest Services team who will organise a refund.

    The Season Pass Band issued to you shall at all times remain the property of Raging Waters Sydney Pty Ltd.

    A valid Season Pass Band can only be transferred to another person if it has not been previously used to gain entry into the Park during the current operating season. Please visit the Ticketing Office to do so. Once a Season Pass Band has been used for the season, it cannot be transferred.

    Season Passes are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash or credit.

    Season Passes are only valid for the season in which they are purchased in and may not be transferred to following seasons.

    Season Pass Bring-a-friend tickets may not be used on the same day. 

    Season pass pricing and inclusions are subject to change without notice. Discounts may only be redeemed in Park on day of visit. Food discounts do not apply to Cabana food services.

    You are referred to the terms of our Privacy Collection Statement which addresses the manner in which we collect and use any personal information that may be provided.

    If you have any questions about your Season Pass Band at any time please contact our team by calling (02) 8857 1000 or visit the Ticketing Office at the Park.

    The season generally runs from November through to March. *

    * season dates subject to change

  • Accessibility Information

    Our goal is to accommodate our guests with disabilities to the fullest extent possible and in compliance with the law.

    If you (or someone you are responsible for) have a particular disability or special need, we encourage you to contact the Park and speak with us at least 48 hours in advance of your visit to better assist us in preparing for your visit. If you have a group of disabled persons, a week’s advance notice would greatly help us to better serve you. To contact our team call 02 8857 1000 or email

    We want your visit to Raging Waters Sydney to be a fun and exciting experience you’ll never forget. That is why we’ll do all we can to ensure your day is not only memorable, but as safe and accessible as possible.

    Accessible Parking

    If you hold a current disabled parking permit, there is parking available adjacent to the main gate. These car parking spaces are clearly marked with the International Disability Symbol.

    Entrance Prices

    As not all attractions are fully accessible if you have a disability, we do offer a concession rate if you:

    • Use a wheelchair
    • Have an intellectual, aural or visual disability
    • Have a Disability Pension Card

    Enjoy Your Day with a Companion

    If you have a disability, you may consider visiting the park with someone who can physically assist you if necessary. A guest with a disability who produces their Companion Card is entitled to 1 Free of Charge companion so that their companion can provide attendant care support during the visit. Guests who produce a Carer's Card (or similar) issued by relevant State or Commonwealth authorities will be entitled to a concession admission rate.

    Emergency Health Services/First Aid

    If you require personal medical equipment and/or medication to be refrigerated/stored please contact our Call Centre on 8857 1000 prior to your day of visit to discuss your requirements.


    Accessible restrooms are available at Raging Waters Sydney.

    Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs

    Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs are welcome in the park. However we cannot permit them on, or in, any of our attractions and they must wear their working vest identifying their role at all times. The dog must be accompanied by an individual at all times. Dogs are required to release waste on the grass lawns. Owners are required to clean up after their dog and must properly dispose of any waste.

    Casts and Strapped Limbs

    We take our duty of care to our guests very seriously, and therefore do not allow any guest with a visible injury, such as a hard cast, to ride any of the water slides.

    For safety reasons, if you have an amputated limb or prosthesis, you may be unable to use some of our attractions.

    We do understand that situations vary, and our Guest Services team can assist you to plan your day on an individual basis and determine which attractions can be undertaken safely. This can be done on the day you attend Raging Waters Sydney by visiting Guest Services, located near the entry gate.

    Guests with Epilepsy and Motion Sickness

    Many of our attractions are not recommended if you have Epilepsy, motion sickness or experience seizures. We suggest you phone our Call Centre prior to your visit for more information. As situations vary, our Guest Services team can assist you to plan your day on an individual basis and determine which attractions can be undertaken safely.

    Eye Wear

    In accordance with Australian Standard 3533.2 (2009) for the safety of all guests, eye wear including goggles and prescription glasses are not permitted on any of our rides or slides.

    Guest Services

    If you have additional questions, please contact our team on 8857 1000 or email our Guest Services team at

  • Group Sales

    The following terms and conditions apply to online group sales only.

    The terms and conditions govern a group booking by Raging Waters Sydney Pty Ltd [ABN 94 079 214 127] and is governed by the laws in force in the State of New South Wales.

    Online Group Sale Tickets are single entry day tickets. Valid for one day entry on any operating day until the end of the season. For purchases of 50 tickets or more, please contact Group Bookings team on 8857 1000.

    1. Confirmation of Booking

    To confirm your booking you MUST make payment for fifteen (15) or more full paying package guests whereupon it is deemed that you accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by same.

    2. Cancellations/Refunds

    A confirmed booking may be cancelled:

    a) by us if the booking is in breach of these terms and conditions or deemed unsafe whereupon any monies you have paid to use shall be forfeited to us in full unless otherwise agreed.

    b) by us if events beyond our reasonable control prevent us holding the function, or if upon review of operational procedures for the proposed event we have any safety concerns whereupon any monies you have paid to us shall be compensated.

    Any admission tickets are non-refundable (subject to any requirements at law to the contrary) and can not be sold to anyone.

    3. Payment

    Full payment will be made at time of purchase online.

    4. Functions

    Function room hire, catering and combo meal deals are NOT included in the Group Any Day Admission ticket price. Call 8857 1000 for more information or to organise a function.

    5. Catering

    No commercialised outside food or catering including third-party take away is allowed, nor is the use of personal gas/barbeque equipment. Alcohol will not be permitted. Individual guests are permitted to bring in snack foods such as homemade sandwiches, fruit or bottled water. This also includes food and beverage items for guests who may have special dietary needs, food allergies and baby food (no glassware). Raging Waters Sydney also offers a variety of food options throughout the park.

    6. Group Booking Entry Conditions

    All persons attending the venue agree to comply with the Entry Conditions (as appears in notices located at the main entry to the premises) which shall apply and are not waived, varied or in any other way mitigated by the terms contained herein.

    Parking, lockers, in park services, cabanas and pay-per-ride attractions are not included in the entry fee.

    To access the park, each group member is require to present the online voucher provided to you when the online purchase is finalised. Children aged 3 and under are free and do not require a day ticket or season pass to enter the park.

  • Food Policy

    The Raging Waters Sydney Food Policy


    • Small snack products
    • Non- alcoholic drinks (no glass bottles)
    • Small cooler bags and eskies (max. 40L per group)
    • Sandwiches and fruit 


    Not permitted:

    • Fast food (commercially prepared food)
    • Glassware and knives
    • Alcohol
    • Bulk food and catering 


  • Weather Policy


    Your safety is our top priority at Raging Waters. For this reason, rides and attractions may close temporarily during severe weather conditions. Once conditions have improved, slides and attractions will reopen. Rain checks will be available upon request to guests exiting the park if ALL attractions have been closed for at least 1 hour. Guests must provide a same-day ticket at Guest Services in order to obtain a rain check. Guests must be present at the time of park closure to be eligible for a raincheck ticket. No rain checks are issued for Season Passholders.

    Rain checks will not be provided if the park closes within 2 hrs of our published closing time. REFUNDS WILL NOT BE GIVEN. Once attractions reopen following a temporary closure due to weather, rain checks will no longer be offered. Rainchecks cannot be reissued if lost, stolen or misplaced. 

  • Payment Plan Terms & Conditions

    1. Eligibility

    • Payment plans are exclusively available for Platinum and Platinum Plus Passes unless otherwise noted. 

    2. Deposit and Instalments

    • An initial deposit will include an additional processing fee and taxes, this is required at the time of purchase. 
    • The balance will be divided into three equal installments, with due dates outlined in your payment schedule.

    3. Missed Payments

    • Missed payments may be reattempted until the outstanding amount is settled or the plan is terminated, whichever occurs first. 

    4. Account Management

    • You can view your instalment plan and update card details by logging into your account on the Raging Waters Sydney website. 

    5. Cancellations and Refunds

    • Instalment plans cannot be canceled, and refunds are not available for unpaid plans. 
    • Accounts in default may forfeit all payments and access rights. 

    6. Default Consequences

    • Raging Waters Sydney reserves the right to deactivate season pass privileges including, but not limited to, entry into Raging Waters Sydney, if payments are missed or defaulted. 
  • Raging Xpress Terms & Conditions

    • Raging Xpress will operate until 1/2 hour prior to closing.
    • Limited quantity available per day
    • All Guests must be present at time of purchase.
    • Operation of Raging Xpress subject to change without notice. 
    • Raging Xpress allows unlimited uses per day. 
    • All Guests must have a Raging Xpress band to slide together.
    • Platinum Plus and Platinum Passholders discount valid for 1 Raging Xpress band per visit. Must show Platinum or Platinum Plus band when purchasing. 
    • Operation of Raging Xpress is subject to change without notice.
    • Tower 2 requires 2 or 4 riders with Raging Xpress bands each.
    • Tower 3 requires a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 riders with Raging Xpress bands each.
    • Tower 4 requires 2 riders with Raging Xpress bands each.
    • If Raging Xpress bands are lost, stolen or damaged they will not be replaced.
    • Raging Xpress not Valid in Raging Waters Junior
    • Raging Xpress operates at 4:1 ratio, it cuts your wait time down, it does not mean that you cut to the front of the line.
    • Bands are not transferable.
    • Pricing subject to change. 
    • Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. 

Questions or Need Additional Help?

For information on rides, lockers, ride accessibility, booking group events, and other information, you can contact the Park on 8857 1000

Thank you for your patronage. We look forward to making your visit thrilling, joyous, and filled with happy memories!

Your Ticket
Get the Rest of this Season FREE with a ’25-26 Season Pass!

Get the Rest of this Season FREE with a ’25-26 Season Pass!